Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Random Things, as requested by my friends on FB

1. I’m a rule breaker – ok, not at all, I just didn’t want to bore 25 people with my unimaginative list. Family and dearest friends, feel free to go back to your own profiles now.
2. I actually love rules and create them for myself sometimes. For example, the only friends I accept on FB are those on my Christmas card list or those I see on a regular basis (and it would be awkward if I didn’t accept them). I have made 2 exceptions to this rule.
3. I’ve lived in 4 states and visited 32 states (including the southernmost point in the continental US) and 4 foreign countries.
4. “Why are you telling me?” is my philosophy. Ihop’s is “Oh, yeah, that’s what you think!”, Middle’s is “I can’t stand it!”, Princess’s is “No!” and Larry’s is “Clearly some philosophies aren’t for all people.” Don’t know what I’m talking about? – go listen to “My New Philosophy” from You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, the musical.
5. On the Myers Brigg test – I tested as ISFJ, but “feel” that I am really more of an ISTJ. I’m married to an ENTP and that makes for a great adventure!
6. I am very photogenic.
7. I own a sterling silver apple necklace, many Clemson-related items, some rashguards and Yes! REAL cowboy boots to represent where I’ve lived. I do not wear them all at once.
8. I love to read novels, but find that when I do, my house is a wreck and my kids are hungry and have nothing to wear! I read anyway.
9. I can’t stand having a messy house! I know it is always clean, but the mess drives me crazy.
10. I am married to someone with ADHD (self-diagnosed) and raising a daughter with ADHD (diagnosed as “moderate”, “combined-type” by a neurologist), who seem to love making a mess and can’t remember where they put anything. Of course, this is just part of the great adventure mentioned in #5.
11. I have seen my husband’s skull. Yes, the bone in his head that is supposed to be protecting his brain. It was fractured and sticking out through a gaping hole in his forehead…..some 7+ years ago. Aahhhh…there’s that great adventure again!
12. I started a blog once. There is one entry called “22 Pieces of Clothing, 6 Worms and 2 Snails”. Curious? It’s at . Maybe I’ll get back to that soon….
13. My son blogs several times / week. My daughter has her own wikispace. My photos are at . Let me know if you need the password.
14. My mom became a mom on Mother’s Day (because of my birth!).
15. I once dyed my hair pink when my mom was out of town. My dad was furious and it wouldn’t come out, so the hairdresser then had to dye my hair blond again. Sorry, there are no pictures!
16. I am always hesitant to try new technology, but find I really like it, once I get used to it. Of course, with MY son, I’m pushed to try new technology at a crazy pace. Hence, why I am on FB – to learn about it before he gets here. He loves this stuff!
17. Larry and I produced 3 children with 3 different colors of eyes – hazel, green and blue.
18. My Wii fit age is the same as my chronological age.
19. I love to bake. I love dark, very dark, chocolate – hey, it has health benefits!
20. I love roller coasters and am glad that my son is now big enough to go on the good ones with me!
21. Two common ingredients that I omit from my recipes because Larry and I do not like them are onions and mayonnaise. We do have some things in common after all!
22. I do not like seafood and once got sick in a restaurant because my mom, dad and Papa were eating lobster.
23. I have a super-sensitive nose and very sensitive ears. Ask Jimmy about “reading the tv” when he lived with us!
24. I have always been proud to be a Southerner, but I have some Yankee relatives and In-Laws! Ssshhh!
25. I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could. Now, I am home.